What is CNC Machine?

What is CNC Machine?

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) stands for Computerized Numerical Control. CNC machines consist of a mini computer or a microcomputer that acts as the control unit of the machine. In the NC (Numerical Control) machine, the program enters the punch cards, while in CNC machines the instructions are fed directly into the computer via a small card similar to a traditional keyboard.

In the CNC machine, the program is stored in the memory of the computer. The programmer can easily write the codes and edit the program according to the situation. These programs and programs can be used for different parts and do not need to be written over and over again.

Compared to NC and CNC machines, CNC machines offer more flexibility and computational capability than NC machines.

CNC Usage Areas
The system used in the three-axis milling machine first, then turning, grinding, etc. also applied to machine tools. Today, CNC is used in almost every field of manufacturing. Areas where CNC machine is used;

  •      Aviation
  •      Automotive
  •      Defense
  •      Furniture
  •      Consumer goods
  •      Spare part

CNC machine is frequently used in machining and welding. It is a technology that meets the needs and facilitates the work for every sector that produces. CNC machine can be used in the production of model molds in the advertising industry or in the production of spaces designed for theme parks.

CNC Machine Advantages

  • CNC machine adjustment time is a system that is shorter than other machines.
  • Minimizes adjustment, measurement and control times.
  • CNC machines eliminate the human factor. Therefore, it provides the possibility of serial and sensitive production.
  • Thanks to CNC, bench operations are done with high precision.
  • Working speed is always the same in CNC machines.
  • Electricity and material costs are low.
  • Mold, gauge, template, etc. The system is cheaper because the elements are not used.
  • There is no storage problem.
  • Changes to be made can be made at the desired point and without losing time.
  •  Production is more flexible and comfortable in the use of CNC machine. Time and cost balance has been achieved.